Laura’s Legal U.K. Hallmark & the Law
UK Hallmarking
Does Laura Helen Elliott have a registered hallmark?
Yes, I have registered my hallmark under my name Miss Laura Helen Elliott, with the initials LHE (as shown below).
My hallmark was registered as of 13th August 2016 with the Goldsmiths Assay Office, London. All my jewellery or sculptures will fully conform to UK law.
What is a hallmark?
The UK requires by law that precious metals of a certain weight to be hallmarked by a UK assay office.
This has been in entered into UK law to ensure customers purchase genuine precious metal over a legally specified weight.
What weights of metals require hallmarking in UK law?
Any items that exceed the following weights all are legally required to be hallmarked Gold, Silver, Platinum or Palladium:
925 Silver: 7.78 grams
375 Gold: 1.0 grams 950
Platinum: 0.5 grams 950
Palladium: 1.0 grams.
Are all my jewellery or sculptures in precious metal hallmarked?
Any of my jewellery or sculptures under the legal weight or in other base materials (for example: Copper, Bronze, Brass) will contain my sponsors mark created by the Goldsmiths Assay Office London. Those precious metal jewellery and sculptures that are below the stated weight (for example: 1.0g for gold, 7.78g for silver and below 0.5g for platinum) may be hallmarked.
There are other exemptions to the Hallmarking Act detailed in the following website page at:
What is the Hallmarking Act 1973?
You can view the full hallmark act at the following website page:
Thomson Reuters (Legal) Limited. UK Statutes Crown Copyright. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. An Act to make fresh provision for the composition, assaying, marking and description of articles of, or containing, precious metals, and as to agencies for the implementation and enforcement, thereof; and for purposes connected with those matters. [25th July 1973]